May 1, 2019

Barangay Media Once,

Toledo City,



Water Source:

Ground Water


Bacteria and pathogens


Ceramic Biosand Filters

Clean Water Provided:

365,000 Days


Home Filters Distributed



2019 began our partnership with Clean Water International and our mission to provide sustainable clean water solutions to communities in Cebu, Philippines. These communities are far from the capital of Manila and receive very little government assistance. This leaves 2 options for sourcing water; purchasing plastic bottles which many can not afford or using contaminated ground water. Since 2019 we have provided 365,000 days of clean water to the citizens of Toledo City by installing in-home biosand filters. We are continuing these efforts as of 2020 and are currently fundraising to provide the local school with a filtration system that will service 400 students and the surrounding community. Please consider donating to help us to complete our impact goal.

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